Survivor Support Circles

In 2016, SASSL began running survivor support circles. The circles are primarily peer-run by trained SASSL volunteers and staff and generously supported through the university’s Women & Trans Safety Committee grant. In 2017, the circles became part of our regular programming.

Circles were created in recognition that there is a major gap in service delivery for survivors of sexual assault at York University. While survivors are individually able to access support, there are no peer circle services available to them on campus. As such, many survivors on campus do not have a safe space where they can share their experiences or feelings with other survivors.

Our main goal in holding peer circles is to provide a safer space where survivors feel comfortable speaking about their experiences and are able to form connections with other survivors. These circles are meant to promote and build solidarity, safety, and security amongst survivors and their respective communities.

We are seeking YOUR feedback!

With your support and feedback, we aim to further develop and improve support circles by incorporating and prioritizing the needs of our community and constituents. Our overall theme this year for all circles will be RECLAIM and RECLAMATION. Topics will include discussions of self and collective/ community care, reclaiming space and body, and Indigenous and Black solidarity and survivorship. These spaces will aim to centre POC, Indigenous, and genderqueer and trans survivors. In order to better meet the needs of our community, we are seeking your feedback on what these spaces should and need to look like.

Thank you kindly for your contributions and support – please feel free to fill out as many or as little of the questions as you see fit.

Find the survey HERE

If you have any further questions, please contact Shenikqwa, SASSL Office & Training Coordinator, at:

Updates on upcoming circles will be posted to this page and on our events calendar and social media pages.